Explanations for forgetting: retrieval failure

    Cards (8)

    • retrieval failure
      • form of forgetting
      • occurs when we don't have the necessary cues to access memory
      • memory is available but not accessible unless a suitable cue is provided
    • cue
      • a trigger of information that allows us to access a memory
      • cues may be meaningful
    • encoding specificity principle
      • Tulving did research into retrieval failure
      • if a cue is to help us to recall information it has to be present at encoding and at retrieval
      • if cues are available at encoding and retrieval are different there will be some forgetting
      • some cues are linked to the material-to-be-remembered
    • context-dependent forgetting
      • Godden and Baddeley study
      • study on deep sea divers working underwater
      • divers learned a list of words either underwater or on land and were asked to recall either on water or on land
      • learn of land= recall land
      • learn underwater=recall underwater
      • learn land= recall underwater
      • learn underwater= recall land
      • accurate recall was 40% lower in non-matching conditions
    • state-dependent forgetting
      • Carter and Cassaday study
      • gave anti-histamine drugs to their pps
      • it had a mild sedative effect making pps drowsy
      • pps had to learn words and passages and recall
      • learn on drug= recall on it
      • learn not on drug= recall not on it
      • learn on drug= recall not on it
      • learn not on drug= recall on it
      • if more drowsy when recalling it but had been alert learning, more forgetting
    • evaluation: strength-supporting evidence

      • Godden and Baddeley and Carter and Cassaday studies
      • strength because supporting evidence shows that retrieval failure occurs in real-life situations
    • evaluation: limitation- questioning context effects
      • Baddeley argues that context effects are not actually that strong
      • real life applications of retrieval failure due to contextual cues don't actually explain much forgetting
    • evaluation: limitation- recall versus recognition
      • context may be related to the kind of memory thats being tested
      • baddeley and godden re did their study but instead of recall they used a recognition test
      • when recognition was tested there were no context-dependent effect