Theory: Rusbult’s investments model

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  • Rusbult’s investment model-
    • Commitment is the largest factor in relationships lasting
    • Effected by-
    • Satisfaction = costs/rewards — social exchange theory
    • Alternatives = comparison level/options — profitable or not
    • Investments = intrinsic - directly putting in OR extrinsic - result of the relationship (biggest indicator of Commitment + psychological factor) — in = money, time, resources - out = kids, property, memories - all lost if left
  • Rusbult’s investment model-
    Don’t have to be satisfied to stay committed
    maintenance strategies -
    • sacrifice elements of satisfaction
    • positive illusions = focus on positives
    • ridicule alternatives
    • forgiveness
  • Rusbult’s investment model-
    CPS- Benjamin + Christopher = meta-analysis of 52 studies over 5 countries — higher commitment gave better relationships
    CPW- mainly correlation not causation - ignores external factors E.G more committed makes you more invested - correlation ca be reversed showing no clear causation
  • Rusbult‘s investment model-
    CPS- abusive relationships explained = Rusbult + Marty - women in shelters were likely to return to abuser = ecological validity + shows relationships are deeper than social exchange theory suggests
    CPW- gender/beta bias = only women used
  • Rusbult‘s investment model-
    W- oversimplified = Goodfriend + Agnew - investments are different in short and long term relationships
    W- opposing research = short-term relationships can be invested in the same as long-term relationships
    S- holistic model = comprehensive theory with SET, looking at different levels and contributions to relationships
  • Rusbult’s investment theory-
    CPS- Rhatigan + Axzom = women who made less of an investment were less satisfied — universal, cross-culture, different sexualities
    CPW- self report is invalid due to potential social desirability