Virtual + social media

Cards (6)

  • Virtual relationships-
    Self-disclosure - revealing personal information over time to strengthen romantic relationships
    Absence of gates - Face to Face relationships struggle to develop due to seeing physical qualities (appearance, mannerism)
    CMC - computer-mediated communication
  • Virtual relationships -
    Reduced cues - Sproull + Kiesler
    • VR are less effective due to lacking FtF interactions
    • reduces the sense of individual identity (de-individualisation) causing disinhibitation
    • causes the feeling of freer blunt communication = reduced SD due to being impersonal
  • Virtual relationships -
    Hyperpersonal model - Walther
    • VR become more personal quicker than FtF as they are more intense and intimate
    • sender has control over disclosure more than FtF = selective self-presentation — manipulated self-image to be idealistic (hyperhonest = intesne truth or hyperdishonest = intense false)
    • positive reinforcement is then given by the receiver of the selective self-presentation = strengthened
  • Virtual relationship—
    Additional factor - Bargh
    • anonymity promotes virtual hyperpersonal relationships
    • People are aware that others don’t know their true identity = virtual persona
    • Allows them to be less accountable for their behaviours + more likely to disclose more personal information that may not be shared FtF with an intimate partner
  • Virtual relationships-
    Gating -
    • Obstacle when forming the relationship — appearance, distance, religion, associates, mannerism, personality
    • easily identified and removed online
    • McKenna + Bargh = advantage online as SD becomes more frequent and meaningful — less of an issue when meeting FtF due to the pre-established relationship
    • Zhao = facebook empowers gated individuals through stretching the truth
  • Virtual relationships-
    S- McKenna + Bargh = aids those struggling with loneliness or anxiety71% of VR get to 2 years
    W- lacks temporal validityZhao’s outdated FB
    W- SD can be negative — too much too soon can cause relationships to fall, even online
    W- Gender bias — McKenna = women focus of SD + intimacy more than men
    W- Culture bias — imposed etic = individualist cultures see SD as trust but collectivist cultures don’t
    W- focus on romantic relationships — friendships online are less likely to SD
    W- Reduced cues weakness = replaced with emojis/memes