Multistore model of memory

Cards (6)

  • Who proposed the multistore model of memory?
    Atkinson and Shiffrin.
  • What is the multistore model of memory?

    It consists of a number of memory stores and a number of processes by which information is transferred between (or kept within) the stores.
  • What is the sensory store?
    The first store of memory in the MSM. There are multiple sensory stores as they are found in the sense organs. Each store is modality specific - there's a specific code for each sense organ.
  • What is the duration and capacity of the multistore model of memory?
    Duration = Very brief. Lasts for less than a second.
    Capacity = Huge (but not infinite). Most information that enters sensory memory is lost almost instantly (decay). We pay attention to a small amount, allowing it to enter short term memory.
  • Label the multistore model of memory:
    A) Sensory store
    B) STM
    C) LTM
    D) Attention
    E) Rehearsing
    F) Rehearsal
    G) Retrieval
  • Evaluation of MSM:
    • Academic credibility - case of Clive Wearing. Supports MSM as suggests processing (i.e. rehearsal) is needed to turn STM into LTM. Clive has mostly intact LTM but not STM. He's unable to make new memories as can't transfer information from 'present' into his LTM.
    • Criticism - Rehearsal not always necessary for info to get into LTM. Remembering without rehearsing known as flashbulb memories.
    • MSM too simplistic. Represents each store as single entity. Research suggests may be several components in STM (e.g. working memory model) & seem to be different kinds of LTM.