Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support
    What? Research support
    Who? Kurdek - gay, lesbian, heterosexual couples - those who most committed perceived most rewards and fewest costs
    Why? Increases validity in different couples
  • Counterpoint: Research support
    What? Ignores equity
    Who? Shortcoming of SET addressed by equity theory
    Why? Limited explanation
  • Limitation: Direction of cause and effect
    What? Claims dissatisfaction only arises after relationship becomes unprofitable
    Who? Argyle - we don't monitor costs and rewards until after we're dissatisfied
    Why? Considering costs/rewards caused by dissatisfaction
  • Limitation: Vague concepts
    What? Concepts vague and hard to quantify
    Who? Hard to define - comparison levels values unclear
    Why? Theory difficult to test validly