What did Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg investigate?
- A: Are there inter/intra culture difference in response to child-rearing
- P: 32 studies, 2,000 SS, 8 countries, meta analysis
◘ Variation within cultures 1.5 times greater than variation between cultures
◘ West Ger highest avoidant (35%), Israel resistant (29%)
◘ Global patterns similar, support an innate and biological process for attachment.
◘ Strongest attachments still formed with mother, but difference in patterns can be due to cultural attitudes and practises
◘ Grossman and Grossman, German infants encouraged to be independent, don't engage in proximity seeking behaviours so may appear IA
◘ Takahashi: 60 Japanese MC 1 yr olds (0%IA, 32% IR), 90% of infants alone phase had to be stopped due to extreme distress as for first 2 years they are never alone, lack of IA due to such behaviour considered rude, doesn't have same meaning in Japan
✘ Similarities possibly due to globalisation, mass media spreading and influencing certain parenting practices (not innate)
✔/✘ More variation within cultures than between them e.g. Urban Tokyo similar to west, rural found most IR
✘ Ethnocentric; theory for secure is explore, independent, regulate emotions, Japan competence is not showing feelings, group-oriented, method is also too deep-rooted in American culture as shown by studies by Takahashi
✔ Eliminated extraneous variables: mother-infant pairs (at least 35 in each), excluded special needs and infants 2+