Knowledge of causes of disease is almost complete in the modern period
Miasma and punishment from God are no longer common beliefs. Apart from for diseases such as Aids where a punishment from God was still believed.
There were more Alternative treatments such as Hypnotherapy, Osteopathy, Acupuncture and Homeopathy.
Alexander Flemming left staphylococcus on a petri dish
When he left it out it developed mold which killed the staphylococcus
He tested it on Albert Alexander who had sepsis
Albert died when the supply ran out
UK government would not fund - they only gave £20
Florey and Chain were able to get funding from the U.S. government after Pearl Harbour as the U.S. needed to stop infection fast
The U.S. government gave $ 3 million which enabled mass production
The World Health Organisation now warns doctors to not over prescribe antibiotics as bacteria are becoming more resistant.
Charles Booth found that poverty links to disease and that 30% of London was in poverty.
In 1910 William Beveridge highlighted social evils and proposed a welfare state.
With a Liberal government free school meals and state pensions were introduced.
In 1948 Aneurin Bevan (The minister of health) created the NHS
For eye tests, teeth, surgery and vaccines
Doctors were unhappy as they could no longer profit as much as they used to
Doctors were also allowed to keep their private practices
The NHS today is more digital and has a focus on prevention
Smoking ban in 2007
Sugar Tax
Harold Gillies performed blood transfusions and amputations. He also created splints so that broken bones may heal better. He was also one of the first surgeons to consider the look of the patient and performed many plastic surgeries to improve the mental health of his patients
He influenced his cousin Archibald McIndoe
Archibald McIndoe developed plastic surgery, he also performed ligatures and used penicillin and X-rays.
Surgery became a lot more profession post-WWII, face masks, anti-septics, and gowns were all used.