factors affecting eyewitness testimony: anxiety

    Cards (10)

    • anxiety has a negative effect on recall
      anxiety creates physiological arousal in the body which prevents us paying attention to important cues, so recall is worse
    • anxiety has a negative effect on recall study procedure
      • Johnson and Scott
      • led pps to believe they were going to take part in a lab study
      • whilst waiting pps heard an argument in the next room
      • 'low anxiety' condition- man walked through holding a pen
      • other pps heard argument but also sounds of glass
      • 'high anxiety' condition- man walked through holding a knife
    • anxiety has a negative effect on recall study findings
      • pps later picked out the man from a set of 50 photos
      • 49% could identify man with pen
      • 33% could identify man with knife
      • witnesses attention narrows to focus on the weapon
    • anxiety has a positive effect of recall
      stress of witnessing a crime or accident creates anxiety
      flight-or-fight response is triggered which increases alertness and improves memory because we are more likely to see cues
    • anxiety has a positive effect on recall study procedure
      • John Yuille and Judith Cutshall
      • study of a real-life shooting in a gun shop
      • shop owner shot a thief dead
      • 21 witnesses
      • 13 agreed to take part
      • interviews were 4-5 months after
      • accuracy was determined by the number of details reported in each account
      • witnesses were asked to rate how stressed they had felt
      • also asked if they had experienced any emotional problems since
    • anxiety has a positive effect on recall study findings
      • witnesses were very accurate in their account
      • little change in the amount of accuracy after 5 months
      • those who reported most stressed were the ones who recalled most accurately
    • explaining the contradictory findings
      • lower levels of anxiety produce lower levels of recall accuracy
      • memory becomes more accurate as the level of anxiety experienced increases
    • evaluation: limitation, weapon focus may not be relevant
      • Johnson and Scott study may test surprise rather than anxiety
      • may focus more on weapon because they are surprised, not scared
    • evaluation: limitation, field studies sometimes lack control
      • researchers usually interview witnesses sometime after the event
      • things will happen to the pps in that time e.g. talk to other people about the event
    • evaluation: limitation, there are ethical issues
      • creating anxiety in pps is very risky
      • why real-life studies are so beneficial