Cards (5)

    • What is the authoritarian personality?
      Adorno: Type of personality susceptible to obeying authority (submissive to high status, dismissive of inferiors)
    • What was the procedure for Adorno's authoritarian personality study?
      • Studied 2000+ Middle Class white Americans' unconscious attitudes to other racial groups
      • Developed several scales to investigate (F-scale to measure authoritarian personality)
      • Items from F-scale include 'obedience and respect for authority are the most important values children should learn'
    • What were the findings for Adorno's authoritarian personality study?
      • People with AP identified with ‘strong’ people and were generally contemptuous of the weak
      • They were conscious of status (their own and others)
      • They showed extreme respect, deference and servility to those of higher status (Basis of obedience)
      • They have a certain cognitive style (way of perceiving others) in which there is no grey area between categories of people.
      • They had fixed stereotypes about other groups
      • Adorno found a strong Positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice.
    • What are the characteristics of an authoritarian personality?
      • Prone to obey authority
      • Show extreme respect/submission to authority.
      • Desire strong leaders to enforce traditional values
      • Disdain for lower social status individuals
      • Exhibit black-and-white thinking
      • Discomfort with uncertainty
      • Blame different ethnic background for the world's problems.
    • What is the origin of the authoritarian personality?
      • Forms in childhood
      • The product of harsh parenting (strict discipline, an expectation of absolute loyalty, impossibly high standards, severe criticism of perceived failings - conditions for love)
      • Breed resentment and hostility - feelings cannot be expressed due to fear of punishment. 
      • Scapegoating: Feelings are displaced on others they perceive as weak (parents standards, which become their own
      • Psychodynamic Explanation: Explains the AP’s hatred towards people considered as socially inferior.