offender profiling: the bottom-up approac

    Cards (8)

    • the bottom-up approach
      profilers work up from evidence collected from the crime scene to develop hypotheses about the likely characteristics, motivations and social background of the offender
    • investigative psychology
      a form of bottom-up profiling that matches details from the crime scene with statistical analysis of typical offender behaviour patterns based on psychological theory
    • geographical profiling
      based on the principle of spatial consistency: that an offenders operational base and possible future offences are revealed by the geographical location of their previous crimes
    • marauder
      who operates in close proximity to their home base
    • the commuter
      who is likely to have travelled a distance away from their usual residence
    • evaluation: evidence supports investigative psychology
      • david canter conducted a content analysis of 66 sexual cases
      • data was examined using the statistical technique
    • evaluation: strength, evidence supports geographical profiling
      • Canter collated information from 120 murder cases
      • smallest space analysis revealed spatial consistency in the behaviour of killing
    • evaluation: scientific basis, strength
      • more objective and scientific than the top-down approach