What is a key assumption of the biological approach?
Everything that is psychological is first biological, so all thoughts, feelings and behaviour ultimately have a physical basis as the mind and the body are one and the same
What are the 3 causes of behaviour?
Biological structures
What is neurochemistry?
Refers to the action of chemicals in the brain - neurotransmitters transmit messages
What is a genotype?
The set of genes an individual has
What is a phenotype?
Individuals observable features or traits
What influences phenotype?
Genotype and Environment
What studies are used to investigate genetic influences?
Twin studies, concordance rates between twins are calculated
What is a concordance rate?
The extent to which twins share the same characteristic
What are monozygotic (MZ) twins?
Identical twins, share 100% of genes
What are dizygotic (DZ) twins?
Non-identical twins, share about 50% of their DNA
What is natural selection?
Theory by Darwin. Survival of the Fittest.
Traits that help survival and reproduction are passed on
What is sexual selection?
Any traits that help reproduction are passed on
Strength of the Biological Approach:
Real world application - Understanding neurochemical processes in the brain has led to use of drugs that treat mental disorders, for example drugs used for depression, increase the levels of serotonin and reduce depressive symptoms
Strength of Biological Approach:
Uses scientific methods - use a range of precise and objective methods e.g. fMRI scans are open to no bias. So based on objective and reliable data
Limitation of Biological Approach:
Explanations are determinist - See human behaviour as governed by internal, genetic causes which we have no control over.
However, the way a phenotype is expressed is heavily influenced by the environment. Suggests the biological view is too simplistic and ignores other factors
Limitation of Biological Approach:
Open to misinterpretation
Many parts are complicated to understand, e.g. Drugs.
People believe that serotonin is the cause of depression but it is not.