Dove launched the ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’ in 2004.
The campaign was about embracing and celebratingdifference, empoweringwomen and boosting confidence.
In 2017, Dove launched the Real Moms campaign that focused on celebrating the real, challenging and unique beauty of motherhood, rather than the perfect, commercialised version of motherhood.
Campaign objectives:
Create a product line to compete with a competitive market where cJohnson and Johnson have 63.7% market share.
To empower mothers.
To unite women on their journey through motherhood.
To enable ‘real people’ to see themselves represented in advertisement.
To challenge the ‘perfect mother’ stereotype.
Shot type - wide shot is used with deep focus photography to make audience feel as though they are present within the kitchen scene, this personalises the mother and gives advert emotional appeal.
Slogan “real life, real beauty”emphasises Dove’s campaign aims.
The repetition of the word ‘real’ in the slogan ensures audiences understand Dovesintentions to depart from the use of celebrities and models.
Logo - Dove is an established, recognised and trusted brand known for campaigning for diversity and inclusivity.
Shot in a real kitchen, constructs realism.
Sans serif font used as it is impactful, bold, contemporary and neutral.
The mother wears no makeup and wears a messy, basic outfit rather then having a full face, perfect clean clothes and styled hair - this departs from typical mother-baby advertschallenging stereotypes of the “perfect mother” and connotes everyday realism.
Anchorage - written text helps amplify the message of ”real”.
Intertextuality - advert references the wider campaign which adopted a multiplatform approach.
The hashtag will appeal to a digital native audience and encouragesaudience interactivity and participation to create an “online buzz”.
The absence of the product image subverts typical advert stereotypes - Dove are selling the lifestyle rather than the product.
Composition and layout - slogan and brand name are placed in the top left third of the frame, which is where our eyesnaturally fall first.
Hashtag is in the lower third, the last thing the audience will see, encouraging audiences to interact with the content they have just consumed.
Persuasive language - the word “real”constructs realism and departs from luxury lifestyles presented in other baby products.
Persuasive language - the use of the word “beautifully” makes the ‘real’ image of motherhood appear attractive and desirable.
Lifestyle - this advert challenges the promotion of a privileged and luxury lifestyle and instead encourages the reallifestyle of the average person.
The promotion of realism makes Dove appear affordable and therefore appealing to the average audience who most likely cannot afford expensive baby products.
Beauty appeal - the advert focuses on natural and rawbeauty.
The use of the hashtag 'beautifully real moms’ within the advert signifies the new impact of technology in our daily lives of todays society.
The hashtag used to appeal to digital natives will make them feel part of a group and gives the campaign a sense of personalisation.
The hashtag invites mothers to participate in the campaign.
The campaign allowed mothers to upload their own images of their beautifully real, chaoticexperience of motherhood.
The digital aspect and also the allowance of mothers to upload their own images allows Dove’s campaign to be reached by women on a global scale.
The campaign consisted of:
A 360 degree photo library of the real mothers.
A 10 second video.
Print campaign which consisted of six real mothers from a variety of different backgrounds.
Audience participation via the hashtag.
Ethnicity is represented positively, celebrating and reflecting today’s multicultural society
Represents an Asian family, an often under-represented group in the media. This challenges the historical dominance of white representation in beauty advertisements.
The mise-en-scene in the advert connotes a middle class lifestyle and breaks down societal barriers by suggesting that middle class can live chaotic and unorganised lives.