
Cards (61)

  • What family do Vibrio species belong to?
  • In what types of environments are Vibrio species commonly found?
    Freshwater, brackish, and marine environments
  • What is the most commonly isolated species of Vibrio that causes cholera?
    1. cholerae
  • What type of bacteria are Vibrio species in terms of spore formation?
  • What is the shape of Vibrio species?
    Curved or pleomorphic gram-negative rods
  • How do Vibrio species move in broth and solid media?
    Polar flagella in broth, peritrichous in solid media
  • What type of anaerobe are Vibrio species classified as?
    Facultative anaerobe
  • Which Vibrio species is catalase positive?
    All except V. metschnikovii
  • What is the oxidase reaction result for most Vibrio species?
    Positive except for V. metschnikovii
  • What do Vibrio species reduce nitrate to?
    Nitrite, except for V. metschnikovii
  • What type of fermenter are Vibrio species with respect to glucose?
    Glucose fermenter
  • What is the susceptibility of Vibrio species to Vibriostatic 0/129?
  • On what media do Vibrio species grow?
    MAC and TCBS
  • What does a positive string test indicate for Vibrio species?
    Mucoid "stringing" reaction in sodium deoxycholate
  • What is the characteristic of all Vibrio species regarding salt?
    They are halophilic except V. cholerae and V. mimicus
  • What factors are considered when identifying Vibrio infection?
    Raw seafood consumption, foreign travel, gastroenteritis
  • What are the three major subgroups of V. cholerae?
    1. cholerae O1, O139, and non-O1
  • What antigens do all V. cholerae subgroups share?
    Common flagellar (H) and somatic (O) antigens
  • What are the serotypes of V. cholerae O1 based on O antigen composition?
    Ogawa, Inaba, and Hikojima
  • How is cholera spread?
    Through contaminated water
  • What are the acute symptoms of cholera?
    Severe gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhea
  • What is the characteristic stool appearance in cholera?
    Rice watery stool with mucus flecks
  • What is the main treatment for cholera?
    Intravenous or oral fluids
  • Which antibiotics can shorten cholera duration?
    Azithromycin or ciprofloxacin
  • What are the two types of cholera?
    Classical and El Tor types
  • How can Classical and El Tor types of cholera be differentiated?
    By Voges Proskauer and Polymyxin B tests
  • What is the Kanagawa toxin associated with V. parahaemolyticus?
    Heat-stable hemolysin that lyses erythrocytes
  • What is the most frequently isolated Vibrio species?
    1. alginolyticus
  • What are the two categories of infection caused by V. vulnificus?
    Primary septicemia and wound infections
  • What is the colony appearance of Aeromonas species on SBA and CAP?
    Medium to large, smooth, opaque colonies
  • What is the hemolytic pattern of Aeromonas species?
    Strong β-hemolysis
  • What is the colony appearance of Aeromonas on CIN agar?
    Pink-centered colonies
  • What is the motility characteristic of Aeromonas species?
    Motile with a single tuft of flagella
  • What is the most common presentation of wound infection caused by Aeromonas?
  • What is the characteristic of Campylobacter species in terms of oxygen requirements?
    Microaerophilic and capnophilic environment required
  • What is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide?
    1. jejuni
  • What is the primary transmission route for Campylobacter infections?
    Direct contact with infected animals
  • What is the role of Campylobacter infection in Guillain-Barré Syndrome?
    It can trigger the autoimmune disorder
  • What is the major cause of type B gastritis?
    Helicobacter pylori
  • What is a significant risk factor for gastric carcinoma?
    Long-term H. pylori infection