
Cards (16)

  • What does the behaviourist approach suggest about children?
    Children are born as "tabulae rasae".
  • How does the biological approach explain human behaviour?
    It views behaviour as a result of genetics.
  • What is classical conditioning?
    Learning by associating instinct with new stimuli.
  • How does the cognitive approach liken the human mind?
    To a computer processing input to output.
  • What does genotype refer to?
    The genetic profile of an individual.
  • What is identification in social learning theory?
    Learning by observing role models perceived as similar.
  • What is imitation according to social learning theory?
    Learning by copying the behaviour of role models.
  • What does modelling refer to?
    When a role model enacts a behaviour to imitate.
  • What are mediational processes?
    Internal processes that mediate observation and imitation.
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    Behaviour performed to remove a negative stimulus.
  • What is operant conditioning?
    Learning by direct consequences for behaviour.
  • What does phenotype refer to?
    An organism's physical manifestation of genotype.
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    Administration of a positive stimulus to increase behaviour.
  • What is a schema?
    A mental framework for interpreting new information.
  • What does social learning theory propose?
    New behaviours can be acquired by observing others.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement?
    Indirect encouragement through observing others' consequences.