biological explanations of schizophrenia

    Cards (10)

    • genetic basis of schizophrenia:
      • family studies (Gottesman) - MZ 48%, DZ 17%
    • adoption studies:
      • tienari et al - 164 adoptees with schizo mother, 6.7% received diagnosis compared to 2% of control group
      • those with biological schizo mother 3x more likely to have same diagnosis
    • candidate gene:
      • early research = one schizogene, now appears theres a combo that makes people vulnerable
      • different candidate genes = aetiologically heterogenous, genes are more likely to code for neurotransmitters e.g dopamine
    • ripke et al: genome wide study
      • compared genetic makeup of 37000 patients to 113000
      • 108 separate variations associated with increased risk
    • role of mutation: genetic origin in absence of family history
      • mutation of parental gene caused by radiation, poison, infections
      • brown et al - positive correlation between parental age + increased risk of sperm mutation (0.7% in fathers >25, 2% in fathers >50)
    • neural explanations (original dopamine hypothesis):
      • based on antipsychotics (lower dopamine) caused parkinsonian symptoms
      • result of higher levels of dopamine in subcortical areas of brain
      • excess of dopamine receptors from subcortex to brocas area may explain symptoms e.g alogia + auditory hallucinations
    • updated dopamine hypothesis (daus et al):
      • hypodopaminergia - low levels in prefrontal cortex, explains cognitive symptoms e.g negative symptoms
      • cortical hypodopaminergia leads to subcortical hyperdopaminergia
    • EVALUATION: genetics research support
      • Gottesman, 48% MZ, 17% DZ
      • adoption studies - influence of genetics in absence of environmental influences
      • overwhelming evidence, higher validity
    • EVALUATION: neural research support - drug treatments
      • leucht et al - 212 study metaanalysis - antipsychotics more effective than placebos
      • all drugs more effective in treatment of negative + positive symptoms
      • supports hypothesis, dopamine plays role in development
    • EVALUATION: biological reductionism
      • concordance rates - MZ isnt 100%, other factors involved
      • Noll et al - evidence against antipsychotics, dont alleviate delusions/hallucinations in 1/3 of patients
      • explanations arent straight forward, holistic approach more appropriate