biological therapies for schizophrenia

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    • drug therapies:
      • most common treatment is antipsychotics, may be required short/long term
      • divided into typical and atypical
    • typical antipsychotics:
      • combats symptoms associated with dopamine hypothesis
      • act as antagonists - chemicals reduce action of dopamine + block dopamine receptors in brain synapses
      • dopamine production increases then decreases - normalises neurotransmission + helps with symptoms
    • chloropromazine:
      • effective sedative, typically first used when first admitted
    • atypical antipsychotics:
      • combats positive symptoms, but also has beneficial effect on negative
      • blocks dopamine receptors, temporarily occupies before rapid dissociation - leads to normal transmission + less side effects
    • clozapine:
      • withdrawn due to blood clotting but later found more effective - last resort treatment due to potential fatal effects
      • acts on serotonin + glutamate receptors - helps with depression, may increase cognitive functioning, given if risk of suicide (30-50% of patients)
    • risperidone:
      • effective but without strong side effects - some evidence that it leads to decrease in side effects
      • binds to dopamine + serotonin receptors more strongly, effective in smaller doses
    • EVALUATION: research support for drug effectiveness
      • leucht et al - analysed effectiveness of placebos + antipsychotics, drugs more effective for positive + negative symptoms
      • leucht et al - if given placebo 2x more likely to relapse
      • clear evidence for drug effectively reducing symptoms
    • EVALUATION: counter evidence for effectiveness
      • leucht - small proportion of those taking placebos didnt relapse (36%)
      • placebo somewhat effective in stopping relapse even though it didnt provide treatment - figure wasnt 0%
      • lowers validity, if antipsychotics were appropriate placebos wouldnt prevent relapses
    • EVALUATION: serious side effects
      • range of effects from weight gain to parkinsonian in 50% + long term can cause tardive dyskenesia
      • atypical have less but still occurs e.g clozapine + blood clotting
      • may lead to stopping use, other drugs will have to be prescribed to control effects
    • EVALUATION: reductionism
      • ross + reid - when prescribed it reinforces idea that something is wrong
      • prevents from thinking and finding stressors - cant alleviate dysfunction
      • environmental stressors ignored, bio treatment not appropriate, need for more holistic approach