psychological explanations of schizophrenia

    Cards (12)

    • family dysfunction:
      • schizophrenogenic mother
      • double blind theory
      • expressed emotions
    • schizophrenogenic mother:
      • fromm-reichmann proposed psychodynamic explanation based on patients childhood accounts
      • type mentioned - cold, rejecting - leads to tense environment + distrust + paranoid delusions
    • double bind theory (bateson et al):
      • role of communication in family - child worries about doing wrong but mixed messages on what wrong is, cant comment or seek clarification
      • wrong results = withdrawal of love, world is confusing
      • can lead to disorganised thinking + paranoid delusions
    • expressed emotions:
      • verbal criticism/violence, hostility, emotional over involvement
      • serious source of stress , primary cause of relapse + can cause disorder in vulnerable people (diathesis stress)
    • cognitive explanations:
      • less processing in temporal + cingulate gyri - positive symptoms e.g hallucinations
      • lower processing in central striatum - negative symptoms e.g avolition
      • lower processing = cognition most likely impaired
    • types of dysfunctional thought processing (frith):
      • metarepresentation
      • central control
    • metarepresentation:
      • cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts + behaviour + interpretation of others actions
      • dysfunctional - cant recognise own actions, someone inserts thoughts
      • explains auditory hallucinations + delusions
    • central control:
      • cognitive ability to suppress automatic responses when performing deliberate actions
      • dysfunctional - cant suppress thoughts/speech, can lead to alogia - derailment of thoughts trigger word associations
    • EVALUATION: family dysfunction research support
      • read et al - 46 studies, 69% female, 59% male had physical/sexual abuse history
      • tienari et al - vulnerability doesnt cause schizo itself, adoptees needed schizo mother + disturbed environment
      • increases validity that family dysfunction plays a role in development of schizo
    • EVALUATION: cognitive explanations research support
      • stirling et al - 30 patients, 18 non patients completed stroop test, patients took 2x longer to identify ink colours
      • jauhar et al - 34 CBT studies, effect on positive + negative symptoms
      • increases validity, led to development of treatments
    • EVALUATION: weak evidence for family dysfunction
      • led to parent blaming - led to further trauma for receiving blame
      • childhood experiences collected after development of symptoms - schizo may have distorted recall
      • appropriateness + credibility of research undermined
    • EVALUATION: direction of casualty
      • unsure if metarepresentation decreases dopamine in superior temporal gyrus or if direction of casualty reversed
      • lowers validity of psychological explanations - ambiguous as unsure what mechanism causes characteristics
      • biological origins ignored, holistic approach more appropriate