People are naturally aggressive. Impulses to behave aggressively however are mostly held in check.
There are powerful social and psychological inhibitions against using aggression that we learn through social transmission.
We are taught that aggression is wrong but repeated exposure to aggression in the media leads to new social norms where aggression appears to be socially sanctioned.
Exposure during video games legitimises aggression and the use of violence in the real world because it undermines the social sanctions that usually inhibit such behaviour
AO3 - depth of involvement in the media will vary
Disinhibition may occur only in people who are fully engaged in watching or playing and are not easily distracted by external stimuli. Therefore the applicability of the research may not be widespread
AO3 - seem to be restricted to the period while watching/playing the media
This means that the effect would be negligible whilst away from the computer game medium
AO3 - affected by number of factors
Such as age of viewers, whether violence is more accepted within family etc.
This suggests that the relationship between disinhibition and aggression is not straightforward