Refers to the activation of existing aggressive thoughts and feelings
Immediately after a violent programme or game, the viewer is primed to respond aggressively because of a network of memories involving aggression is retrieved.
Frequent exposure to sevens of violence may lead children to store scripts for aggressive behaviour in their memories and these may be recalled in a later situation if any aspect of the original situation is present.
AO3 - Murray (2007)
Took fMRI brain scans of children watching violent and non violent films. Those watching violent films had increased activity in areas of the brain associated with emotion and memory.
Suggests that memories were formed which could later prompt aggressive behaviour supporting cognitive priming
AO3 - Anderson and Dill (2000)
Found that individuals who played violent computer games had more cognitive accessible aggressive thoughts than individuals who played non-violent computer games.
They concluded that a single incident of violent game play had primed aggressive thought in these participants
AO3 - Bushman
Found that participants who had played a violent video game reacted faster to aggressive words that participants who didn't play a violent game.
Suggests that the game had primed their memories of aggression