Psychological explanations: Eysenck's theory

    Cards (8)

    • general personality theory
      • introversion/ extraversion
      • neuroticism/ stability
      • later added a third dimension- psychoticism
    • biological basis
      • personality traits are biological in origin and come about through the type of nervous system we inherit
      • extraverts have an underactive nervous system which means they constantly seek excitement- risk taking behaviours
      • neurotic individuals tend to be nervous, jumpy and over-anxious- behaviour is difficult to predict
    • the criminal personality
      • criminal personality type is neurotic- extravert
      • Eysenck suggested that the typical offender will also score highly on measures of psychotic- cold, unemotional and prone to aggression
    • the role of socialisation
      • personality is linked to criminal behaviour via socialisation processes
      • saw criminal behaviour as developmentally immature in that it is selfish and concerned with immediate gratification
      • socialisation is something children are taught
      • people with high E and N scores had nervous systems that made them difficult to condition
    • measuring the criminal personality
      Eysenck's personality inventory
    • evaluation: mixed evidence
      Eysenck's: higher E, N and P scores in offenders, not supported by Farrington et al
    • evaluation: the idea of a single criminal type
      too simplistic- Moffitt proposed several types of male offender; Digman proposed the five factor model
    • evaluation: cultural bias
      Bartol et al: cultural differences in levels of E with Hispanic and African- American offenders