
Cards (7)

  • hormones
    travel through blood stream
  • adrenaline
    • released from medulla adrenal gland
    • 'fight or flight'
    • air passages dilate to provide the muscles with oxygen required to fight danger or flee
    • fast
  • testosterone
    • released from testes
    • causes development of male characteristics
    • puberty- facial hair growth, deepening voice, growth spurt
  • melatonin
    • released from pineal gland (in brain)
    • controls sleep and wake cycles
    • high levels - mid to late evening
    • low levels- morning hours
    • affected by light, which can lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • oxytocin
    • social bonding, sexual reproduction and during and after child birth
    • released in response to stretching of uterus and cervix, during labour and with stimulation of nipples from breast feeding
  • insulin
    • released from pancreas
    • allows body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates
    • keeps blood sugar level regulated- not too high or too low
  • thyroxine
    • released from thyroid
    • heart and digestive function, metabolism, brain development, bone health and muscle control
    • affects almost all bodies systems - proper levels are vital for health