Animal studies of attachment

Cards (10)

  • What is imprinting?
    • certain animals are known to attach to their mother strongly
    • the infant will follow the mother
    • lorenz tested imprinting on goslings
  • Outline Lorenz research
    • gosling eggs were randomly divided
    • he took half of them to be hatched by himself using an incubator and the other half were hatched naturally by the biological mother
  • What results did Lorenz find?
    • the goslings he hatched imprinted on him, following him rather than the mother
    • when he placed all the goslings in a box the gosling that imprinted on him continued to follow him after being released
  • What did Lorenz find about the critical period of ducks?
    • they had a critical period of around 32 hours
    • if a gosling did not see a large moving object to imprint on during this time, it would lose its ability to imprint
  • What theory did Harlow test?
    • the cupboard love theory
  • Outline Harlow's research
    • Rhesus monkeys were removed from their biological mothers and placed in cages with surrogate mothers
    • one mother provided milk and no comfort (constructed of wires)
    • the other mother had a cloth over the wires but provided no food
    • the time spent with each mother was recorded as well as which surrogate mother the infant ran to when frightened by a mechanical monkey
  • What were Harlow's findings?
    • infant monkeys spent most of their time with the cloth mother, only visiting the food mother when they needed to eat
    • infant monkeys ran to cloth mother when frightened
    • monkeys without a cloth mother showed sign of stress related illness
  • What did Harlow's findings show in terms of maternal deprivation?
    • the monkeys were maternally deprived
    • this resulted in permanent social disorders in the monkeys as adults such as difficulty in mating behaviour and raising their offspring
  • Did Harlow's research reject the cupboard love theory?

  • What does Harlow's research show?
    • rhesus monkeys have a biological need for physical contact and will attach to whatever provides them comfort rather than food
    • this is evidence against the cupboard love theory