Psychological explanations: cognitive explanations

    Cards (8)

    • level of moral reasoning
      process by which an individual draws upon their own value system to determine whether an action is right or wrong
    • Kohlberg's model and criminality
      • offenders are often more egocentric and poorer social perspective- taking skills
    • cognitive distortions
      faulty, biased and irrational ways of thinking that mean we perceive ourselves, other people and the world inaccurately and usually negatively
    • hostile attribution bias
      tendency to judge ambiguous situations, or the actions of others, as aggressive and/or threatening when in reality they may not be
    • minimalization
      type of deception that involves downplaying the significance of an event or emotion. common strategy when dealing with feelings of guilt
    • evaluation: level of moral reasoning evidence
      • palmer and hollin
      • compared moral reasoning between 210 female non-offenders, 122 male non-offenders, 126 convicted offenders
      • contained 11 moral dilemma- related questions such as not taking things that belong to others or keeping a promise
      • delinquent group showed less mature moral reasoning than the non-delinquent group
    • evaluation: application of research
      • cognitive distortions have proven beneficial in the treatment of criminal behaviour
      • cognitive behaviour therapy- encourages offenders to 'face up'
      • studies- reduce incidence of denial and then reduces the risk of reoffending
    • evaluation: individual differences
      • level of moral reasoning may depend on the type of offence