Scientific debate

    Cards (11)

    • Psychology meaning
      Scientific study of mind and behavior
    • why do most psychologists believe it is a science subject
      • evidence based research
      • fact based reporting
    • what institute did Wundt open
      institute for experimental psychology
    • introspection meaning 

      conscious examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings
    • reductionism meaning 

      theory that everything can be reduced to simple cause and effect relationships
    • what are the several common features and principles that mark out something as scientific
      Hypothesis testing
    • objectivity
      Without bias or preconceptions
    • control
      research takes place under carefully controlled conditions
    • predictability
      data from scientific experimentation can generally be used to predict future behavior and events
    • hypothesis testing
      theories and existing knowledge should generate predictions
    • replication
      experiments should be replicable