Political parties after unification

Cards (7)

  • What was the aim of the political parties?
    To get into the Reichstag (elections every 3 years)
    To be a pressure group within the Reichstag (lower house) to put forth their concerns to push the Bundesrat to initiate legislation
  • National Liberals (NL)
    Formed in 1867
    Consisted of the Protestant middle classmen
    Supported Bismarck
    Favoured free trade, strengthened Germany and a constitutional liberal state
    Supported by educated men e.g. civil servants, merchants, bankers
    Opposed Social Democratic Party and their growth
  • Zentrum (Centre party-Z)
    Formed in 1879
    Consisted of German Catholics and Bismarck opposers
    Strong support in southern states (bc south German = Catholic)
    Wanted more economic success in south particularly in Bavaria and Rhineland), wanted to prove Catholic churches influence in education
    Conservative party regarding constitution - wanted Germany to remain the same; more liberal w/ social reform
  • Progressive party
    Opposed to Bismarck
    Believed in liberal constitutional state
    Disliked centralism - wanted to extend the Reichstag powers
    Disliked militarism
  • Social Democratic Party (SPD)
    Existed in 1871, but formally est. in 1875
    Socialist - represented working class and trade unions
    Supported reduction in power for elites and extensions of welfare reforms
    Radical SPD members wanted total overthrow of the constitution + wanted a republic i.e. no monarchy
    but majority was willing to remain with existing constitution
  • German Conservative Party (less important)
    Conservatives broke off into their own factions in 1876
    Mainly consisted of repressed Protestant Prussian Junkers
    Hated Reichstag because of Universal Suffrage rule i.e. everyone had a right to vote
    They were worried lower class people would want change
  • Free Conservatives (less important)
    Founded in 1871
    Represented landowners, industrialists, and businessmen
    Supported Bismarck
    Wanted unified Germany
    Small party