qualitative data analysis

Cards (13)

  • thematic analysis
    qualitatively method identify, analyse and interpret patterns within data
    it is commonly used to understand participant‘s experiences, behaviours or perceptions in research
  • what are the 6 steps in thematic analysis
    familiarise in data
    generate initial codes
    search for themes
    review potential themes
    defining themes
    produce a report
  • familiarising with data in thematic analysis
    re-read data to be familiar with it (e.g. researcher reviews interview transcripts)
  • generating initial codes in thematic analysis
    breaking up data and giving it codes (labels)
    (summarising data)
  • searching for themes in thematic analysis
    group similar codes together and give a broader theme
  • reviewing potential themes in thematic analysis
    ensure themes are coherent
    discard/ merge overlapping themes
  • defining themes in thematic analysis
    refine each theme and give a clear definition
  • producing a report in thematic analysis
    write up what you have found using quotes
  • when to conduct a thematic analysis
    you want to identify patterns within data
    you are conducting a qualitative analysis
    you want to involve research participants in the analysis process
  • strengths of thematic analysis
    allows for in depth exploration of the data making it possible to understand the complexity of human experiences
    straight forward and easy to learn
    uncovers common themes / patterns across participants providing insights into shared experiences / perceptions
  • weaknesses of thematic analysis
    can be very time consuming as it requires researcher to repeatedly read through data
    involves interpretation which leads to researcher’s bias, perspectives and preconceptions that influence how themes are defined
    it may miss out on the nuances of individual experiences - leads to loss of detail in the data
  • grounded theory
    bottom up technique used when analysing qualitative data that generates theories directly from the data, rather than existing theories
  • content analysis
    results that have been gathered using qualitative methods can be ‘reduced’ to a quantitative form
    e.g. counting the content of anything (categories / themes)