Cards (7)

  • when did ivan pavlov first experiment on dogs?

  • what did pavlov realise about dogs?

    they will salivate not just when presented with food but also in response to other events that coincide with the presentation of food
  • what happened when the unconditioned stimulus (food) is paired with the neutral stimulus (bell)?

    unconditioned response (salivates)
  • after classic conditioning, what then happens when the conditioned stimulus (bell) goes off?

    conditioned response (salivates)
  • what is skinner’s research?
    a theory of operant conditioning with a skinner box to investigate the process in rats
  • what happens when the rat presses the lever?

    food is delivered - positive reinforcement so the rat strengthens the behaviour
  • what happens when the rat presses the lever when it’s subjected to an electric shock?
    unpleasant stimulus - stops electric shock - negative reinforcement so the rat strengthens the behaviour