Cards (8)

  • who was friends case study of the oedipus complex?

    little hans a 5 year old boy
  • what phobia did hans develop and when?

    a phobia of horses after seeing one collapse in the street
  • why did freud say little hans grew a fear of horses?

    his repressed fear of his father was transferred/displaced onto horses
  • what did freud claim horses were to hans?

    a symbolic representation of his real unconscious fear of the castration experienced during the oedipus complex
  • why is the little hans case study not good evidence?

    •only showing complex in one boy
    •not replicable & can’t be repeated as no conditions were controlled
    •info came from letters from hans father (familiar with oedipus complex so could have altered info about hans) - subjective/biased so not objective
    •not falsifiable as it can’t be proven wrong
    •freud could’ve altered evidence
  • what one feature of science does the little hans case study have and why?

    predictability - you could predict other 5 year olds may act in the same way
  • is the little hans case study a scientific way of investigating phobias?

    no - only has one feature of science
  • how would a behaviourist explain hans phobia of horses?

    learnt by association through classical conditioning