Cell mediated immunity

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  • What do T-cells respond to in relation to where antigens are?
    Antigens that are presented on a body cell (rather than to antigens within the bodily fluids?
  • Where are T-lymphocytes made?
    Bone marrow
  • Where are T-lymphocytes matured?
    The thymus gland.
  • How many different antigens do the receptors on T-cells respond to?
  • What is stage one in cell mediated immunity?
    Pathogens invade body cells or are taken in by phagocytes.
  • What is stage two in cell mediated immunity?
    The phagocyte places antigens from the pathogen on it's cell-surface membrane- antigen-presenting cells.
  • What is stage three in cell mediated immunity?
    Receptors on a specific helper T cell fit exactly onto these antigens, this activates them.
  • What is stage four of cell mediated immunity?
    This attachment activates the T cell to divide rapidly by mitosis and form a clone of genetically identical cells.
  • What is stage five of cell mediated immunity?
    The cloned T cells develop into memory cells, stimulate phagocytosis, stimilate B cells or activate cytotoxic T cells.
  • How do cytotoxic T-cells kill infected cells?
    They produce a protein called perforin that makes holes in the cell surface membrane. The holes mean the cell membrane becomes freely permeable to all substances and the cell dies as a result.