this is the process by which the minority becomes the majority
The process of social change
A) ?
B) ?
C) ?
D) ?
E) ?
F) ?
Majority Influence
Most people disagree with the minority
E.G. People do not want women to have votes because they are believed to be inferior
Minority wants social change
Small group want something that the big group does not
E.G. Suffragettes want the vote
Consistent, committed, flexible, etc
To help social change members must be consistent:
E.G. Suffragettes stuck to cause for 15 years
Must be committed & show it:
E.G. Suffragettes did drastic things like hunger strikes, protests/campaigning (stopped campaigning during war period)
Must also be flexible - make compromises, to gain support - show they are reasonable:
E.G. Married women and women over 30 yrs got the vote
Eventually more and more people in the majority start to agree with minority - Members of the majority slowly move towards the minority. As it grows in size it picks up momentum so more & more majority members convert to the minority opinion, Eventually the minority becomes the majority.
E.G. More women started to listen especially after WW2 and some liberal men also listened
Social Cryptomnesia:
When social change occurs in a society, the attitude or opinion becomes an integral part of the society’s culture & the source of the minority influence that led to it is generally forgotten.
Refers to people having a memory that a change happened but not remembering how. Social change came about but some people have no memory of the events leading to that change.
E.G. Women got the vote & now can’t recall what it was like before the vote.
Minority becomes majority:
Most people believe what the minority were saying now
Deeper processing - attention to cause mean many people who accepted status quo before began thinking about the unjustness of it.
E.G. Most people believe women should have the vote.
Lessons from conformity research
Dissenters make social change more likely
Aschs research: variation where one confederate always gave correct answers. Broke power of majority encouraging others to dissent. This demonstrates potential for social change.
Majority influence and NSI (normative social influence)
Environmental & health campaigns exploit conformity by appealing to the NSI. They provide info about what others are doing e.g. reducing litter by printing normative messages on bins ('Bin it - others do'). Social change is encouraged by drawing attention to majority's behaviour.
Lessons from obedience research:
Disobedient models make change more likely
Milgram's research: disobedient models in the variation where a confederate refused to give shocks. The rate of obedience in genuine participants plummeted.
Gradual commitment leads to 'drift'
Zimbardo (2007): once a small instruction is obeyed, it becomes more difficult to resist a bigger one. People 'drift' into a new kind of behaviour.