
Cards (23)

  • What is population validity in research?
    Results generalize to other people
  • Why can't researchers test all people in a study?
    It would take too much money and time
  • What is a sample in research?
    A smaller group of people tested
  • What characterizes a good sample?
    It reflects diversity in the population
  • What is another term for a good sample?
    Representative sample
  • What is the process of selecting participants called?
  • What are the five types of sampling?
    1. Volunteer sampling
    2. Opportunity sampling
    3. Systematic sampling
    4. Random sampling
    5. Stratified sampling
  • How does volunteer sampling work?
    Participants volunteer to take part in the study
  • What is a disadvantage of volunteer sampling?
    May not be representative of the population
  • What is a key advantage of volunteer sampling?
    It is easy and can reach many people
  • How does opportunity sampling differ from volunteer sampling?
    Researcher approaches participants first
  • What is a disadvantage of opportunity sampling?
    It is not very representative
  • What is a key advantage of opportunity sampling?
    It is quick and easy to find people
  • How does systematic sampling work?
    Participants are selected using a mathematical pattern
  • What is a disadvantage of systematic sampling?
    Population information may not be available
  • What is a key advantage of systematic sampling?
    It can produce a more representative sample
  • What does random sampling involve?
    Choosing participants randomly from the population
  • What is a disadvantage of random sampling?
    Population information may not be available
  • What is a key advantage of random sampling?
    Everyone has an equal chance of selection
  • What is stratified sampling?
    A method that represents each subgroup proportionally
  • What is a disadvantage of stratified sampling?
    Researchers may miss a subgroup
  • What is a key advantage of stratified sampling?
    It reflects the population accurately
  • How does stratified sampling compare to other methods?
    It is more representative but time-consuming