Monomers and polymers

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  • What are Monomers?

    Single subunits, or building blocks of life.
    E.G. amino acids and monosaccharides.
  • What are Polymers?

    Complex molecules that are formed by combining monomers using covalent bonds.
    EG protien, starch and DNA.
  • What is a condensation reaction?
    Formation of polymers from monomers with the release of water.
  • What are the products the condensation of amino acids?
  • What does the condensation of 2 monosaccharides produce?
  • What does the condensation of fatty acids and monoglycerides produce?
  • What are hydrolysis reactions?
    Break down of polymers using water.
  • Why do we use hydrolysis?
    To break down larger molecules into smaller ones so that they can be used to full effect.
  • What is the hydrolysis product of proteins?
    Amino acids.
  • What are the hydrolysis products of carbohydrates?
    Monosaccharides and Disaccharides.
  • What are the hydrolysis products of lipids?
    Fatty acids and glycerol.