sexual selection

    Cards (9)

    • sexual selection:
      • evolutionary explanation for preferences
      • attributes/behaviour increase reproductive success, may be exaggerated over succeeding generations
    • anisogamy:
      • difference between male + female gametes
      • size, mobility, quantity, time window
      • fertile females are a rare resource - leads to different mating strategies
    • inter sexual selection:
      • sexual selection between sexes - preferred for females (quality over quantity)
      • less gametes, greater investment of time, commitment - consequence of wrong choice is bigger, more choosy
      • optimum strategy = genetically fit partner, passed down to offspring e.g height (sexy sons hypothesis)
    • intra sexual selection:
      • sexual selection within sexes - preferred for males (quantity over quality)
      • successful competitor will pass down characteristics - led to dimorphism (men bigger than woman)
      • larger males have advantages - behavioural consequences = acting aggressive to keep mates
      • optimum strategy = as many fertile females as possible
    • attractive body shapes:
      • empirical research support - size doesnt matter shape does
      • women = hourglass, men = inverted triangle
    • EVALUATION: research support for anisogamy
      • buss - 33 countries, 10000 adults, questions related to age + partner preference
      • findings = women valued financial prospects, men valued good looks + chastity
      • reflects sex differences + applied to cultures
    • EVALUATION: research support for inter sexual selection
      • clark + hatfield - volunteers approached opposite sex students on campus asking if theyd like to go to bed
      • findings = 0% females, 75% males agreed
      • supports theory - women are choosier, different strats for reproductive success
    • EVALUATION: ignores social + cultural differences
      • bereczkei - social change has consequences for womens preferences (no longer resource orientated)
      • greater role in workplace, dont have to rely on men
      • mate preferences = combo of evolutionary + cultural differences, reductionist
    • EVALUATION: more complex
      • penton-voak et al - preferences change over menstrual cycle, fertile = masculine, feminised for longer term
      • masculine = healthier immune system, feminine = kindness + parental cooperation
      • preferences based on range of factors rather than genetics
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