factors affecting attraction - self disclosure

    Cards (6)

    • self disclosure:
      • revealing personal information about yourself
      • relationship formation built on trust - leads to greater satisfaction
    • social penetration theory (altman + taylor):
      • gradual process of revealing information + reciprocal exchange
      • when they reveal they display trust, to progress partner must reveal sensitive info as well
      • increased disclosure leads to deeper penetration, depenetration = gradually discussing less as they disengage
    • breadth + depth:
      • more disclosure = more commitment
      • onion metaphor - discuss superficial info at start e.g studies, then reveal more sensitive info e.g religion
      • as relationship develops more layers revealed, eventually intimate details disclosed
    • reciprocity of self disclosure (reis + shaver):
      • once someone discloses, partner should respond in rewarding way (empathy/intimate thoughts)
      • balance of self disclosure - increases intimacy + deepens relationships
    • EVALUATION: research support
      • sprecher + hendrick - heterosexual couples, found strong correlation between measures of satisfaction + self disclosure
      • laurenceau et al - self disclosure + self perception of self disclosure led to higher levels of intimacy in married couples
      • increased confidence in validity of self disclosure
    • EVALUATION: correlation vs causation
      • link between satisfaction + self disclosure but cause + effect established
      • strong applications e.g marriage counselling - used to increase communication + achieve higher satisfaction
      • social penetration theory can be used in real life
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