factors affecting attraction - filter theory

    Cards (7)

    • filter theory:
      • partners chosen by filters that narrow down field of availables - kerckhoff + davis suggested 3
      • limits available partners to smaller pool - factors assume greater/lesser importance at different stages
    • first filter: socialdemographic
      • age, education, religion, social background
      • determines likelihood of people meeting, too different people discounted
    • second filter: similarity in attitudes
      • agreements important at start of relationship + good predictor of stable relationship
      • presence/absence of attitudes determined through self disclosure - little in common, relationships rarely develop
    • third filter: complementarity
      • people with different needs provide eachother with mutual satisfaction - needed for more long term relationships
      • at later stages, opposites attract to an extent
    • EVALUATION: research support
      • key factors change over time - face validity, reflects most peoples experiences
      • winch - similarity important at beginning, complementarity long term impact
      • suggests sequence of filters is valid in real life
    • EVALUATION: failure to replicate original findings
      • levenger - down to social change + difficulty in defining depth
      • kerckhoff + davis - set cut off point for short term (18 months), doesnt apply to all, some take longer/shorter to develop complementarity
      • experiences cant be explained, other factors involved
    • EVALUATION: culture bias
      • individualist cultures - choice of partners is own preferences, apply filter theory with little influence
      • collectivist - arranged marriages, cant apply individual filters
      • suffers from culture bias, applies western findings to everywhere