Interference theory

Cards (7)

  • What is interference theory
    When 2 pieces of information disrupt each other resulting in forgetting or distortion (LTM)
  • what is proactive interference
    old memories interfere with new memories E.G. old phone number disrupts attempts to learn new phone number
  • what is retroactive interference
    new memories interfere with old memories E.G. change password, unable to remember old password because of remembering new one
  • how does similarity effect interference theory
    interference worse when memories similar.
    research on retroactive: change level of similarity between 2 sets of materials. 6 groups learnt 10 words then new list > synonyms/ antonyms/ unrelated/ consonant syllables/ 3 digit number. (control no new list)
    found more similar second list worst recall
  • Strength of interference theory: supporting study
    Interference in everyday life > rugby players had to recall names of enemy teams > players who played most games worst recall as more to remember > high likelihood of interference
    However this was unusual and only rugby
  • weakness of interference theory: low validity
    most studies are lab based so low ecological validity
  • Weakness of interference theory: only temporary
    Interference can be overcome by cue’s > study had 1 word list to recall at a time (first list 70% accurate) and then added more lists to remember > more lists lowered accuracy but with cue’s recall rose again > interference only temporary loss of accessibility