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  • Desensitisation refers to how prolonged exposure to aggressive media diminishes the physiological arousal (heart rate, skin conductance rate) we experience as well as psychological changes (feeling less sympathy for victims). Research found that participants who viewed a prolonged and graphic scene of rape showed greater acceptance of rape myths and sexual aggression following a re-enactment of a rape trail.
  • Disinhibition is the idea that people generally view violence and aggression as antisocial because of social norms. This leads people feeling inhibited against using aggression to resolve interpersonal conflicts. However, exposure to violent media (where aggression appears normative and justified) creates new social norms for the viewer. This results in them feeling less inhibited to use aggression.
  • Cognitive priming explains how violent media provides us with ‘scripts’ (how violent situations play out) which are stored in our memory and can be triggered by cues in situations that we perceive as aggressive. A study found that male participants who listened to songs with aggressively derogatory lyrics about women subsequently recalled more negatively qualities about women.