External factors affecting accuracy of EWT

Cards (9)

  • What is eye witness testimony (EWT)

    Ability of people to remember details of an event they observed
  • what are leading questions as apart of external factors on EWT
    Question phrased certain way to suggest certain answer: ‘was the knife in his left hand’.
  • research on leading questions for external factors of EWT
    watch same clip of car crash, ask ‘speed of car when … into each other’ using different verb: smash,hit,bump,collided, contacted. Found more violent verb had higher estimate (smash= 40.5, contacted= 31.8). because response bias > wording doesnt affect memory but affects how they answere > substitution = wording changes memory (people more likely to report glass in smashed group)
  • What is post event discussion (PED) as an external factor affecting EWT
    When more than one witness discusses event, affecting accuracy
  • Research on PET as an external factor affecting EWT
    Pairs watched same crime from different view then discussed, found 71% people mistakenly recalled aspects they didn't see but heard in discussion, control group 0%.
    Because contamination is where discussion leads to people combining each other’s memories. conformity is going along with others but real memory is unchanged
  • What is a strength of external factors affecting EWT
    Real world application, important uses in justice system > we know how much misleading info affects EWT so know to be careful with it
  • What is a weakness of external factors affecting EWT
    Demand characteristics of leading questions car study > it was fake > no anxiety factor so people could lie > lack ecological validity
  • What is a weakness of external factors affecting EWT
    Substitution, in leading questions some parts more accurately recalled: central details rather than peripheral details > only non important info gets affected
  • What is a weakness of external factors affecting EWT
    Research goes against conformity explanation of PED saying it does alter EWT. Mugger hair study was 2 people watching video of man with different color hair > after PED they blended both colors together which doesnt support conformity