origins of psychology whundt

Cards (8)

  • discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt-AO1
    whudt aimed to study the structure of the mind through structalism which is breaking down behaviours into smaller components eg)thoughts, perceptions and emotions. He did this by using introspections-systematic analysis of our own conscious experience of a stimuli on the human mind
  • discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt-AO1 2nd part
    participants would observe their inner mental process like emotions when presented with standardised sensory events like a photo. Then they would analyse their concious experiences.
    whundts work also paved the way for more controled research and study into the human mind eg)by cognitive psychologists
  • E-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt- strength givies psychology scientific credibility: Ao3 

    hunter uses introspection as a way of making happniess measurable he did this my geting a group of teenagers and giving them buzzers and evreytime the buzzer would go off they would have to write down their feelings.most of the teenagers were more unhappy rather than happy but they found that when they were focussed on complex tasks. They teneded to be more upbeat.
  • k-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whundt- strength gives psychology scientific credibility: Ao3 

    Introspection therefore offers researchers a way of then momentary conditions required to to affect happiness and may affect the quality of our lives
  • E-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt- Ao3- strength 2: tests asumptions about behaviour 

    because of its reliance on an object and systematic methods of observations knowledge acquired using the scientific method is more than passive acceptance of theories about behaviour.
    k-this means that scientific methods are able to establish the cause of behaviours that is both reliable and empirical
  • E-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt- weakness: introspection is not acurate
    nisbett and wilson found that we have little knowledge of processes which causes specific behaviours they found this problem was acute in implict attitudes like stereotypes and attitudes. For example a person might be implicitly racist and react to members of different ethnic groups because such attitudes exist outside of conscious awareness
  • k-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt- weakness: introspection is not accurate 

    k-there self reports trough introspection would not uncover them which challenges the value of introspective reports in exploring the roots of our behaviour.
  • E-discuss the emergence of psychology as a science refer to the the contributions made by whudnt- weakness: whudts methods are unreliable 

    this approach relied on primarily on non observable responces. although participants could report on their conscious expreiences the process themselves eg)memory, percptions were considered to be unobervale constucts.
    k- therefore whundts approach ultimatley failed becuase of the lack of reliability of his methods introspective results were not reliably reprocuable.