nature vs nurture

Cards (14)

  • what is nature?

    behaviours a product of innate biological/genetic factors
  • what is nurture?

    behaviours a product of environmental influences
  • what is heredity?

    traits passed down through genes
  • what is the interactionist approach?
    both nature & nurture work together to shape human behaviour
  • what is the environment?
    everything outside the body
  • what approach has the nature view?
  • what approaches have the nurture view?
    behaviourist & social learning theory
  • what approaches have the interactionist view?
    cognitive, psychodynamic & humanist
  • why is the biological approach nature?
    all behaviours inherited through genes
  • why is the behaviourist approach nurture?
    humans are born as a blank slate (tabula rasa) and all behaviours learned
  • why is the social learning theory nurture?
    behaviours learnt though observation and imitation of role models
  • why is the cognitive approach interactionist?
    behaviours the result of internal mental processes which are modified through experiences interacting with the brain
  • why is the psychodynamic approach interactionist?
    behaviours caused by the interaction of innate biological drives and early childhood experiences
  • why is the humanist approach interactionist?
    humans have an innate drive to self-actualise but the level of unconditional positive regard and experiences shape this journey