
Cards (4)

  • Social learning theory states that aggression can be learned directly (e.g. reinforcement and punishment) or indirectly (vicarious reinforcement). This refers to observational learning from our social environment.
  • Vicarious reinforcement is when the likelihood of imitating behaviour increases if the behaviour is seen to be rewarded and decreases if behaviour is seen to be punished. If a child learns (either directly or indirectly) that aggressive behaviour can bring rewards, it will increase their self-efficacy, which is the confidence that their actions will achieve a desired goal.
  • SLT also emphasises the importance of mediational processes. These are cognitive factors which are involved in learning and determine whether a new behaviour is acquired. The four mediational processes are: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation.
  • Bandura’s Bobo doll experiments showed that children who observed an aggressive model were more likely to behave aggressively towards a bobo doll compared to a non-aggressive model. In addition, children who observed an aggressive model being rewarded for their behaviour were more likely to display aggressive behaviour compared to those who saw the behaviour being punished.