social learning theory

Cards (6)

  • ao1
    SLT-learning through imitation. In order for slt to take place a model cariies out a behaviour for an individual to learn. A live model you have direct access to like a parent or teacher whereas a symbolic model would be like a character in a show or a celebrity. Imitaion can occur when an idvidual copies their models behaviour unlike modeling behaviour can be rapidly aquired with imitation. Identification refers to the extent to which a person relates to a model a person is more likely to imitate their behaviour
  • paragraph 2
    Mediational processes = Cognitive processes which mediate/intervene between stimulus and response. The 4 mediational processes are: Attention, retention, motor reproduction and motivation. • The first two mediational processes are involved with the observation and understanding of the behaviour, whilst the latter two are involved in the actual imitation of the behaviour.
    vicarious reinforcement occurs when an individual sees another person being reinforced for their behaviour
  • stength: slt has practicle aplication
    It's explanatory power has helped us to understand why the Jamie bulger murder may have happened and how to prevent future criminality
    a-additionally Stanley kubick withdrew his controversial film black work orange after a series of violent incidents based on people imitating scenes of that film
    k-suggest slt has world wide applications
  • strength: acknowledges the role of the other approaches in explaining human behaviours
    SLT takes processes ie) cognitive approach and aknowledges the role it plays in deciding whether behaviour is to be initiated or not
    a-Badura also acknowledges the biological urgers in aggressive behaviour and while the urge may be biological SLT teaches and individual when and how to be aggressive
    k-This shows that while SLT may be a learning approach the mediating processes are cognitive it provides a more comprehensive explanation of the human mind
  • one weakness: focuses exclusively on the process of SLT and disregard any other factors on behaviour
    for example in explaining the gender role behaviour social learning theorists would emphasise the importance of gender specific modelling. In real life however a child is exposed to many different influences all of them interacting in complex ways these include; genetic predispositions, media portrayals and locus of control.
    k-this shows a serious problem for SLT researchers if anything can have an influence on behaviour
  • another weakness many studies failed to find a link between violent films and crimes
    for example ulrich found no relationship between watching violent films and later crimes. They suggested that the strongest cause of violent behaviour is association with delinquent peer groups where violence was rewarded
    k-this suggests that SLT may not be able to explain criminality so it may lack explanatory power