Divisions of the nervous system

    Cards (31)

    • What are the two parts of the nervous system?
      • CNS (central)
      • PNS (peripheral)
    • What does the CNS encompass?
      • Spinal cord
      • Column of nerves between PNS + brain
      • Relay neurons
      • Brain stem
      • Connects brain + spinal cord
      • Pons + medulla
      • Brain
      • Interprets + stores info
      • Gives orders to glands/organs/muscles
      • Divides into 3 parts
      • Motor neurons
    • What are the 3 divisions of the brain?
      • Forebrain
      • Telencephalon
      • Neocortex
      • Basal Ganglia
      • Limbic system
      • Diencephalon
      • Thalamus
      • Hypothalamus
      • Midbrain
      • Hindbrain
      • Pons
      • Medulla
      • Cerebellum
    • What does the PNS encompass?
      • Cranial nerves
      • Spinal nerves
      • Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
      • Somatic nervous system (SNS)
    • What is the somatic nervous system?
      • Controls voluntary movement
      • Voluntary skeletal muscles
      • Links brain + spinal cord to skeletal muscles for conscious control/sensory receptors in skin
    • What is the autonomic nervous system?
      • Heart muscle, smooth muscle, glands
      • Involuntary movement
      • Sympathetic nervous system
      • Fight or flight
      • Parasympathetic nervous system
      • Rest + digest
    • Label the neurons:
      A) motor neuron
      B) relay neuron
      C) conduction
      D) dendrites
      E) cell body
      F) cell body
      G) cell body
      H) dendrites
      I) axon
      J) myelin sheath
      K) axon
    • What are the 3 types of neuron?
      • Sensory
      • Motor
      • Relay
    • What are sensory neurons?
      • Found in multiple places, e.g. eyes, ears, tongue, skin, etc
      • Convert sensory info into nerve impulses
      • Carry nerve impulses from sensory receptors to spinal cord + brain
    • What are relay neurons?
      • Between sensory input + motor output
      • Allow sensory neurons + motor neurons to communicate
      • Within either brain or spinal cord
    • What are motor neurons?

      • Located in CNS -> project axons outside CNS + directly/indirectly control muscles
      • Form synapses + control contractions
      • Release NTs when stimulated -> bind to receptors = response triggered = muscle movement
      • Axon of motor neuron fires = muscle with synapse contracts -> strength of contraction depends on neuron's axon firing rate
      • Muscle relaxation = inhibition of motor neuron
    • What are excitatory neurotransmitters?
      • 'On-switches' -> increase likelihood of excitatory signal sent to postsynaptic cell
    • What are inhibitory neurotransmitters?
      • 'Off-switches' -> decrease likelihood of excitatory signal sent to postsynaptic cell
      • Generally responsible for calming mind/body, inducing sleep + filters out unnecessary excitatory signals
    • What is the process of synaptic transmission?
      • Action potential reaches axon terminal of presynaptic neuron + triggers vesicles to release NTs (exocytosis)
      • NTs diffuse across synaptic cleft + bind to complementary postsynaptic receptors
      • If overall charge of NTs in postsynaptic neuron is positive, summation is complete + electrical impulse continues along postsynaptic neuron
    • What is the endocrine system?
      • System of glands + organs -> uses hormones to regulate + coordinate metabolism, growth, energy levels, etc
      • Pituitary gland = 'master gland'
    • What is a gland?
      • Organ that produces one or more hormones directly into bloodstream
    • What is a hormone?
      • Chemical messengers travelling in bloodstream that affect growth, metabolism, etc
      • Targets specific structures to alter their function/release other hormones
    • How does the endocrine system regulate itself?
      • Hypothalamus controls pituitary gland's hormone release = controls + regulates general endocrine system
    • What are the glands within the endocrine system?
      • Pituitary gland
      • Thyroid gland
      • Adrenal gland
      • Pancreas
      • Ovaries
      • Testes
    • What does the pituitary gland do?
      • Releases ACTH, TSH, prolactin, FSH, MSH, ADH + oxytocin
      • Consists of anterior + posterior lobes
      • Regulates emotions + contractions during childbirth
    • What does the adrenal gland do?
      • Produces adrenaline + noradrenaline
      • Responsible for fight or flight
      • Increases heart rate + blood flow to brain/muscles
      • Releases stored glucose + fats for use in fight or flight
    • What do ovaries do?
      • Produce oestrogen, progesterone + testosterone
      • Regulates female reproductive system, menstrual cycle + pregnancy
    • What is the fight or flight response?
      • The first of two systems responding to stress
      • Sympathomedullary pathway = body's way of responding to acute stress
      • Acute stressor noticed = hypothalamus activates sympathomedullary pathway to enable body to deal with threat
    • What is an acute stressor?
      A sudden, intense, short-term stressor, e.g. an argument or traffic jam
    • What is the fight or flight response process?
      • Threat sensed by hypothalamus (CNS) -> alerts ANS
      • Sympathetic nervous system alerted -> releases noradrenaline
      • Noradrenaline travels to organs/glands + begins ForF response
      • Sympathetic adrenomedullary pathway alerted = adrenaline + noradrenaline released
      • Adrenaline travels via bloodstream to organs/glands + continues ForF response
      • Non-vital functions suppressed (e.g. digestion, salivation) -> energy diverted to functions vital to a quick escape/aggression
    • What is the sympathetic response at the time of an acute stressor?
      • Sweat produced
      • Pupils dilate
      • Breathing rate increased
      • Salivation ceased
      • Digestion ceased
      • Heart rate increased
    • What is the parasympathetic response post-acute stressor?
      • Saliva produced
      • Pupils constrict
      • Heart rate decreased
      • Breathing rate decreased
      • Increased digestion rate
    • Who came up with Fight or Flight?
      • Canon
    • Fight or flight A&E point 1: makes us aware of possible implications of acute stress + how to address them -> real-life application
      • Acute stressors in modern society = exams, public speaking, etc
      • Today, physiological responses caused by ForF = unhelpful
      • e.g. quickened breathing, higher brain functions shutting down, salivation ceasing, etc
      • Being aware of ForF's changes to the body = people can learn techniques (e.g. breathing/grounding exercises) to calm down + respond appropriately
    • Fight or flight A&E point 2: ForF response theory may suffer from gender bias against women -> assumed universality
      • Most research on ForF conducted by/on men -> ignores how women react to threats
      • Taylor et al. (2000) -> women = 'tend and befriend' (protecting themselves + children through nurturing responses + forming alliances)
      • This may also suffer from alpha gender bias...
      • Likely that both sexes perform a mixture of both ForF and T+B -> both of these areas need to be further researched to remove socialised biases about sex that can interfere with accuracy
    • Fight or flight A&E point 3: fight or flight alone may be incomplete
      • Gray (1988) -> first phase of human/animal reaction is not fight or flight, but freeze when put in a stressful situation
      • Freeze response = stopping, looking, listening -> focuses individual's attention to seek new info in order to decide whether ForF is the best response