Noradrenaline travels to organs/glands + begins ForF response
Sympatheticadrenomedullarypathway alerted = adrenaline + noradrenaline released
Adrenaline travels via bloodstream to organs/glands + continues ForF response
Non-vital functions suppressed (e.g. digestion, salivation) -> energy diverted to functions vital to a quickescape/aggression
What is the sympathetic response at the time of an acute stressor?
Breathingrate increased
Salivation ceased
What is the parasympathetic response post-acute stressor?
Saliva produced
Who came up with Fight or Flight?
Fight or flight A&E point 1: makes us aware of possible implications of acute stress + how to address them -> real-lifeapplication
Acute stressors in modern society = exams, publicspeaking, etc
Today, physiological responses caused by ForF = unhelpful
e.g. quickened breathing, higherbrain functions shutting down, salivation ceasing, etc
Being aware of ForF's changes to the body = people can learn techniques (e.g. breathing/grounding exercises) to calm down + respond appropriately
Fight or flight A&E point 2: ForF response theory may suffer from genderbias against women -> assumeduniversality
Most research on ForF conducted by/on men -> ignores how women react to threats
Taylor et al. (2000) -> women = 'tend and befriend' (protecting themselves + children through nurturing responses + forming alliances)
This may also suffer from alphagenderbias...
Likely that both sexes perform a mixture of both ForF and T+B -> both of these areas need to be further researched to remove socialisedbiases about sex that can interfere with accuracy
Fight or flight A&E point 3: fight or flight alone may be incomplete
Gray (1988) -> first phase of human/animal reaction is not fight or flight, but freeze when put in a stressful situation
Freeze response = stopping, looking, listening -> focuses individual's attention to seek new info in order to decide whether ForF is the best response