what is a less active level of the COMT gene common with?
OCD patients & produces higherdopamine levels
how does the SERT gene contribute to OCD?
by reducingserotonin levels
what did Ozakietal.2003 find about the SERT gene?
A mutation of this gene has been found in two unrelated families where 6/7 members had OCD
what is diathesis-stress?
each gene only creates a vulnerability (a diathesis) for OCD. Other factors, such as childhoodexperience, provide the trigger (stress) for the condition to develop
what are the 3 genetic explanations of OCD?
the COMT gene
the SERT gene
what are the neural explanations for explaining OCD?
dopamine levels
serotonin levels
The orbitofrontalcortex (OFC)
What levels of dopamine & serotonin are associated with OCD
dopamine = high levels
serotonin = low levels
what do high doses drugs that enhance dopamine induce?
stereotypical movements in rats
what do antidepressants do?
increaseserotonin activity
reduce the symptoms of OCD
what 2 things are thought to be abnormal in OCD patients?
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) of the frontal lobes
The caudate nucleus (part of the basal ganglia)
what can damage to the caudate nucleus lead to?
fails to suppress minor 'worry'signals from the OFC, creating a worrycircuit
what do lowserotonin levels cause
the malfunction of these structures
what is dopamine in relation to the basal ganglia?
the basal gangia's main neurotransmitter, so high dopamine levels lead to overactivity of this region
The worry circuit
A) Thalamus
B) Orbitofrontal cortex
C) Caudate nucleus
D) basal ganglia
E) putamen & globus pallidus
A03: Research support for genes and the role of the OFC...
Menziesetal. (2007) used MRI to produce images of brainactivity in OCD patients and their immediatefamily members without OCD
OCD patients and they close relatives had reducedgreymatter in key regions of the brain, inducing the OFC
This supports the view that inheritedanatomicaldifferences may lead to OCD in certain individuals. in the future, brainscans may be used to detect OCD
A03: Evidence for the genetic basis of OCD comes from family & twin studies...
Nestadtetal. (2000) found that people with a first-degree relative with OCD had a 5x greater lifetime risk of OCD themselves, compared to risk levels in general population
A meta-analysis found that identical MZ twins were more than twiceaslikely develop OCD if their twin had the disorder than non-identical Dz twins (Billett et al. 1998)
This evidence supports a geneticbasis for OCD, but the concordancerates are never 100% so environmental factors must also play a role
What disorders are suggested to have genetic links to OCD?