Charles Darwin - 1858

Cards (7)

    • Who is the naturalist who studied the idea of evolution?
    Charles Darwin
    • What is the process that Darwin believed drove evolution?
    Natural selection, or "survival of the fittest."
    • According to Darwin, what determines which traits are passed on to future generations?
    Traits that help survival and reproduction are passed on, while less favorable traits are eliminated.
    • What happens to species over time due to natural selection?
    New species develop, adapted to their environment.
    • What sparked controversy when Darwin introduced his ideas?
    His theories created debates in the field of biology and challenged religious beliefs.
    • What did Darwin believe about traits in individuals of a species?
    Every individual has a unique combination of inherited traits, some of which help them survive.
    • What is the main idea behind the concept of "survival of the fittest"?
    Organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, while those with unfavorable traits are less likely to do so.