Cards (15)

  • How is aggression learned directly?
    Proposed by Bandura, Aggressive acts are learned directly through operant conditioning
  • How is aggression learned indirectly?
    Through observation and vicarious reinforcement. A child observes a model being aggressive and works out how the behaviour is performed. Also observe the consequences of the behaviour, if it is rewarded then they learn aggression is useful in getting what they want (vicarious reinforcement) if it is punished then the behaviour is vicariously punished
  • what cognitive conditions are needed for observational learning?
  • what is attention?
    observer notices models aggressive actions
  • what is retention?
    observer remembers models aggressive behaviour and forms symbolic mental representation of it
  • what is reproduction?
    observer repeats behaviour
  • what is motivation?
    observer imitates behaviours if they have an expectation that behaving aggressively will be rewarding
  • what is self efficacy?
    the extent to which we believe our actions will achieve a desired goal
  • how does self efficacy link to aggression?
    every time a child is successful in using aggression to gain rewards then their self efficacy grows, increased self efficacy reinforces behaviour
  • What was the procedure for Bandura’s bobo doll experiment?
    Controlled lab experiment where young children individually observed an adult role model playing with a bobo doll. Some observed the model being aggressive, then taken to another room where there was a bobo doll and other toys the model had used
  • what were the findings of the Bobo doll experiment?
    children with aggressive model imitated the behaviour, closeness was often a direct copy using specific objects and phrases.
    Children with non aggressive model showed almost no aggression
  • evaluation point 1
    STRENGTH supporting research
    Poulin and Boivin found most aggressive boys aged 9-12 years old formed friendships with other aggressive boys these were ’training grounds’ for antisocial behaviour. exposed frequently to models of physical aggression and its reinforcing consequences. Shows aggression increases in precisely the conditions predicted by SLT
  • evaluation point 2
    STRENGTH supporting example
    Phillips found that homicide rates in the USA always went up the day after a major boxing match, suggests the general publics behaviour is influenced by what they see on tv, they are imitating what was rewarding for the boxers, however it is ONLY CORRELATIONAL
  • Evaluation point 3
    LIMITATION cannot explain all aggression
    SLT provides explanation for proactive aggression (cold blooded) but many children only display reactive aggression, use it in the heat of the moment to retaliate against others, tend to be hostile and suspicious but don't use aggression for anything but retribution, therefore another explanation may be better to apply
  • evaluation point 4
    LIMITATION culture bias
    different cultures have different norms about which behaviours should be reinforced, in some social norms don't encourage aggression eg Kung San of Kalahari Desert. aggressive role models are unavailable for children to observe but the children still behave aggressively. suggests there is more to it than SLT