Cards (5)

  • AO1
    FF-behaviour is considered abnormal when is causes distress leading to an inability to cope with the demands of everyday life such as getting up everyday ,eating regularly and . The abnormal behaviour being shown is usually maladaptive irrational or dangerous.
    DFIM-is defined as behaviour which fails to meet particular criteria for psychological well being .Mental health is seen the same as physical health. Ideal mental health is defined by Jahodas 6 criteria. The less of this criteria an individual is able to meet the more abnormal they are.
  • Ao3-strength of FF is that it recognises the subjective experience of the patient
    Acording to the mental health charity 25% of people in the Uk will expereince a mental health problem in any given year. Many people press on in the face of sever symptoms which tends to be the point we cease to function that people start seeking professional help
    k-This means that treatment and services can be targeted to those that need it the most
  • strength -FFA is that it allows us to veiw mental disorders from the percpective of the patient
    E-It recognises the importance of the experience of the patient. WHODAS objective criteria makes it easier to judge objectiveley because we list behaviours
    k- Therefore captures the experiences of many people who may need help.
  • one weakness of DIMH- the criteria used is unrealistic
    E-for example few people obtain all of Jahodas criteria for ideal mental health and probably none of us ever achieve all of them or keep them up for very long. How many would a person need to be lacking before they are considered abnormal which shows that the criteria is difficult to measure.
    k-This makes DIMH usable when identifying abnormality
  • weakness-DIMH is that it assumes mental health is the same as physical health
    e-It minimises the diffrence between them. This means that people may look at mental ilneses as having some kind of physical cause but this isn't always the case. More often then not mental illness is the result of life expreiences
    k-This is an issue because mental illness cant always be understood in the same way as physical illness can so we might not be able to diagnose it.