systematic desentisiation

Cards (6)

  • AO1
    systematic desensitisation involves counter conditioning - where the newly learned association replaces the old association. This is reciprocal inhibition where the replication involves breathing techniques eg) 7/11 breathing diaphramic and muscle relaxation this reduces anxiety
  • ao1-paragraph 2
    the treatment begind with the person being taught to relac their muscles. Each stage of a desentisiation heirachy should cause more distress to them then the last. Alongside their therapist the patient moves through each stage of their hierarchy, employing the relaxation technique as they go along. Once they have mastered each stage of the hierarchy they can move on to the next stage. Mastering all the stages means that the individual is cured for the phobia they have
  • strength: self administered
    It's a method that has prved successful with social phobia. This makes self desentisiation a cheaper alternative to treatments like: CBT this requires a trained therapist. Furthermore this is better for someone who would prefer a slower and more comfortable experience.
    k-Therefore SD is a more comfortable and affordable form of treatment
  • another strength: effective and appropriate
    research has found that systematic desensitisation is successfulfor a wide range of phobic disorders. It's reported that Mc grath et all found that 75% of patients with phobias where successfully treated using systematic destination
    k-This shows that SD(systematic desentisiation) is an appropriate effective treatment
  • weakness: not consistently effective 

    Ohman et al suggests that systematic desensitisation isn't as effective when treating phobias that have an underlying evolutionary surviving component rather than a phobia which has been acquired as a result of personal experience eg)fear of clows
    k-Therefore sd is not effective towards all types of phobias
  • another weakness is that SD might not work with certain phobias 

    because the symptoms are the results of deeper underlying issues. Removing the symptoms where the cause still remains will only make the symptoms resurface at a later point
    k-SD may not be able to deal with more deeply rooted trauma.