fight or flight

Cards (5)

  • ao1
    when an individual is faced with a threat. The amygdala is immobilised. It associates sensory signals with emotions associated with fight or flight. It sends distress signal to the hypothalamus which communicates with the rest of the body through the sympathetic nervous system. Short term threats activate the sympathetic branch of the automotive nervous system. This stimulates the medula of the adrenal gland, which releases the 2 hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. When the threat is gone the para sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is activated. Another stress pathway is the hypothalamic-pituatry -3 adrenal axis. The hypothalamus produces controphilic releasing hormone. it stimulates the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland which produces adrenaltrophic hormone which is released into the bloodstream and travels to the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland produces Cortisal
  • AO3: strength: real world application
    the use of benzodiapines and beta blockers as drug treatments and stress inoculation therapy (cbt) and biofeedback in the management of stress related conditions. Therfore fight or flight has led to successfull therapies and treatments benefiting peoples lives
  • strength 2: economic impact
    time off from stress related illness cost the economy 71.1 million in 2016
  • weakness: negative consequences
    The stressors in modern life rarely require physical activity which the body physiologically preparing for, so when this ressp9nce is being activated too much I can cause high blood pressure and can lead to physical damage in our blood vessels .This there5ire has negative effects on our body
  • weakness 2 flight or flight does tell the whe story
    Gray argues that the first phase of facing a threat isn't fight or flight but is actualy avoidi8ng confrontation. There is an initial freeze response based on adaptive advantage to stop look and listen .This suggests that there are other responses and fight or flight isn't the only one