Two reasons to conform: desire to be right and desire to fit in
Informational social influence (desire to be right)
Occurs when unsure how to behave in situation or what to think. Conform because don’t know what to do. Majority likely to be right so blend in and not be wrong
Type of conformity:
Informational = deep, similar to internalisation
normative = shallow, privately disagree, similar to compliance
Normative Social influence (desire to fit in)
Occurs when need to be accepted or belong to group, fear rejection and need companionship
Strength of normative social influence
Supporting study: Asch line study, extent social pressure from majority affects conformity, 33% conformed with clearly wrong majority, said wanted to fit in and knew was wrong
Strength of informative social influence
Supporting study: sheriff light study. Extent ambiguous situation affects conformity. Common estimates of distance - person with different answer conformed. Show they look to others for guidance
Weakness of explanations of conformity
Studies were lab based: lack ecological validity. Normally conformity happens with people we know, studies used strangers in an overt lab. Not valid or based on real life behaviour
Another Weakness of explaNations of conformity
Hard to distinguish = Asch difficulty variation don’t know if people conformed to fit in or be right. Asch unanimity variation the dissenter provided social support for normative and answer for informative